Why Do I Do What I Do?

It may sound corny, but I genuinely want to help as many people (you) as possible find franchise opportunities that’ll deeply satisfy you every day because you love what you do. If we can do that together, then personal, family and community goals fall in line. If you’re a happier person it opens the door to amazing life changes.

What I love most about this work is I don’t have to “sell” you anything. But I do have the potential to change your life for the better. That’s what gets me up every morning.

Hi. I’m Sean Devich. I started New Life Franchising in November 2020. I’m a former Naval Officer and spent more than 15 years working in Manufacturing Management after my military years.

Why Is Franchise Consulting Right for Me?

I transitioned into Franchise Consulting for perhaps a lot of the same reasons you’re looking at franchises now! It was time for a major life change.

In late 2020 a lot of things were changing in the Country as I’m sure you recall. I spent the previous 15 years in Manufacturing Management including stints in Tier 2 Automotive, Glass Manufacturing, Building Products and Nuclear Manufacturing.

Then I was hit by a life altering event. So on top of everything swirling around me at the time, I decided to leave the Manufacturing world. I was challenged with finding a new career path for myself that could leverage all the people and management skills I’d acquired over the years.

I Absolutely Hated My Day-to-Day Work Life

I’d spent the previous 15 years directing people in a workplace and toxic environment they absolutely hated. Even easy days were hard and it was obvious to me the people who worked in these businesses felt “trapped” and were miserable.

Opening my Franchise Consulting business allows me to help people who want to get out of equally unsatisfying careers. They want to find something they’d truly enjoy where they can be “their own boss”, surrounded by people rooting for your success every day.

That feeling is what gets me up every morning. I’d like to help you make the transition too.

The US Military’s Ethos, Values and Culture Shaped My Young Adulthood – I’d Like to Think I Understand My Fellow Vets

Prior to my years in Manufacturing I spent 6 years as a US Naval Officer. I enlisted in the US Navy at 17, and the Navy gave me the opportunity to get an education and ultimately receive a commission as an Officer.

The US Military has a long standing tradition of strong Core Values, Culture and Leadership. These truths have been recognized by employers for many years, making former military personnel a top “target” for hiring. Many franchises love to bring former military personnel into their networks. Many offer Franchise Fee discounts to Veterans as well.

Are you a former or soon-to-be separating Military professional? Do you want to own and operate your own small business with significantly lower risk. Then joining a Franchise Family may be the perfect decision for you. If so, it’d be my honor to assist you on your journey.